Friday, May 28, 2010

5/28~125.0 lbs/1275 cal

I finally saw 125 and it was 125.0!!!!! oh my, that was really exciting. Now if i can see it consistantly....

Breakfast: 250
1 cup coffee with 1 tbsp creamer (40)
1 small bisquit (50)
1 sausage patty (130)
1 mandarin orange (30)

Lunch: 335
Chicken/Apple Salad

Snack: 340
1 kashi almond mocha bar (130)
1 cup skim milk (80)

1/2 cup frozen yogurt (90)
1 dove choc. square (40)

Dinner: 350
2 oz chicken breast (50)
1 tsp olive oil (40)
2 oz wheat speghetti (210)
1/2 cup pasta sauce (50)

Played with boys and cleaned the house! They didn't take a long enough nap for me to get a workout.....oh well, maybe tomorrow???

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good with your meals!
    I had a BIG breakfast around 9:30 and then we went to the pool at noon until 2:30 so I just fixed those enchiladas around 3:30 for a late lunch/early dinner...
    No drinks today - and I didn't have the sprite last night so tomorrow morning my weight will be back up due to the bloat from the beer, BUT I wore my bikini to the pool!!!! I asked steve what he thought of it when I came out of the closet, and he couldn't say anything! His eyes got big and he stammered around a bit and then said it looks GREAT! haha
    we are on the deck - i had to lay down for an hour - i took two sudafed and COULD NOT keep my eyes open and am back up now...
