Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5/19~126.2 lbs/ *

Yay!!!! Now if I can just start seeing this number consistantly.....

Breakfast: 320
1 cup GV Bran flakes (120)
1 cup skim milk (80)
1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50)
2 tbsp raisins (70)

Lunch: 257
salad 70
1 cup romaine lettuce
1 cup baby spinach
red & green pepper
2 tbsp raspberry vin. dressing (50)
quasadilla 187
1 whole wheat tortilla (80)
1 tsp olive oil (40)
chicken (35)
2 tbsp salsa (15)
lite cream cheese (17)

Snack: 319
1 cup skim milk (80)
1 Dove dark chocolate square (42)
1 oz cashews (160)
1/3 cup lite & fit yogurt (37)

1/2 cup mashed potatoes
1/2 cup hamburger gravy
2 bisquits (100)
1 tbsp strawberry jelly (50)
20 minute Biggest Loser DVD-High Intensity


  1. That is your lowest weight to date! I am so proud of you & all your hard work!!!

  2. awwww, thanks!
    those jeans I got back from stacey fit great! haha

  3. That is AWESOME! Your lunch sounds soooo good...I am not following my diet book...i want to make that bean mixture tomorrow - that sounds good!
