Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2/1/11~125.8 lbs/ 1318 cal *

well, today's weight is a little better....Hope to see 123 soon.

Breakfast: 380
Instant Oatmeal (100)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp slivered almonds (90)
1 banana (110)

Lunch: 358
Turkey Apple Salad
2 cups iceburg lettuce (16)
1 cup spinach (7)
2 tbsp craisins (50)
1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50)
1/2 granny smith apple (40)
3 tbsp RV dressing (75)-not sure why I did 3....I always do 2 and that is plenty.  It just looked like a lot of salad! That was a wasteful 25 calories....
4 slices Ocsar Meyer white turkey (50)
1 tbsp dark choc chips (70)

Snack: 425
16 reduced fat wheat thins (130)
2 Laughing cow cheese wedges (70)
2 tbsp almond slivers (90)

at 5:30 I was cold and hungry so I had to tiny slices of apple (20) and a cup of hot chocolate (115)

Dinner: 290
Chicken Quesidilla
Chicken (60)
2 tbsp salsa (10)
1 slice cheese (70)
1 whole wheat tortilla (110)
1 tsp olive oil (40)
*45 minute Biggest Loser DVD

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on the weight!! I haven't weighed myself lately - I will do it tomorrow morning...

    I want to do my Jillian DVDs and for the life of me, I CAN'T FIND THEM...sooo weird for me to lose something like that...but I have no idea where they could be - I had a dream last night I knew where they were...weird, right? It is like on the tip of my memory...but Tammy said they are GREAT for high intensity interval training, which she said is what I need to do in order to go from flabby to fit...I really want to tone up for Jana's wedding, too...so keep up the good work & doing those videos...that will keep you on TRACK!! ;)
