Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2/2/11~125.0 lbs/1550 cal*

Well, counting calories sure does work....that and burning a few calories too!
If I can keep this up I'll be back down where I want to be soon enough...I wish the weather would warm up some so I would want to bake and eat so much!

Breakfast: 435
2 cup coffee w/ creamer (70)
Oatmeal (100)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp slivered almonds (90)
1/2 banana (55)
1/2 apple (40)

Lunch: 405
1 Chicken cheese brat (120)
16 wheat thins (130)
1 laughing cow cheese wedge (35)
1/2 cup apple sauce (50)
1 tbsp dark choc chips (70)

Snack: 150
1 cup dark choc hot cocoa (150)

Dinner: 560
2 tbsp ranch dressing (50)
1 cup iceburg lettuce (10)
1/2 cup hunts speghetti sauce (40)
2 oz wheat speghetti noodles (210)
Too much french bread!!!! (250)

*45 min Jillian DVD-frontside


  1. Haha I was wanting to make some homemade bread today...cold weather does make you want to bake!!! Not good....but your weight rocks! "Weigh" to go!! ;)

  2. I still can't get myself to cook those brats i have in the freezer...I have two packages...Steve will have to grill them when the weather gets warmer so I won't have to smell them cooking! :)

  3. I thought about you when I posted that. I hoped it wouldn't make you sick to read! :)
    I'm consuming more calories today then the last few days but didn't I read in prevention that it was good to fluctuate your calorie intake?

  4. Yep keep your body guessing...if you do too low every day, it will go into like a starvation mode & will store fat...yikes!!!

  5. This is Tammy's info on a 6-day cleanse. She doesn't do dairy and I just can't do that...I have to have one cup of milk in the morning...I don't know what "greens" are and I don't know if the veggies are raw or cooked:

    Breakfast - 3 egg whites (or 3 oz of turkey breast) & 1/2 grapefruit (or 1/2 c mixed berries)

    Mid-morning snack - 3 oz turkey breast & 1 - 2 cups greens

    Lunch - 2 oz chicken breast, 1/2 c rice & 1 - 2 cups mixed veggies

    Mid-afternoon snack - 3 oz fresh tuna & 1 - 2 cups greens

    Dinner - 2 oz chicken breast, 1/2 c rice & 1-2 cups mixed veggies

    PM Snack (optional) - 1 grapefruit (or 1 c mixed berries)

    No salt, no oils (fat), or sugar or sweeteners, or deli meat, all fresh or frozen veggies!

    This is pretty close to how I eat before competition for 5-6 weeks. I take supplements like CLA, DHEA, fish oil, & Prenatal vitamins with DHA. And add lemon to my water to help flush out all toxins.

    This is really meant to be a 6 day cleanse diet so I recommend people use it to kick start their diet or to help if you hit a plateau. It's also good to drop a couple of extra pounds quickly if you have a special event (wedding;)! The supplements are great for all the time! I feel like they help keep my body fat lower! They may help your abs....and they are great for hair & skin & work as natural anti-inflammatory.

    I do not eat this clean all the time, believe me! And I do have my share of cheats & alcohol when I'm not in competition mode!;). It's all about balance..... We have to have a few splurges. As long as you try & eat "clean & healthy" 80% of the time!

  6. She followed my blog last week when I wrote everything down & said this:

    From what I see in the blog, you are eating a pretty well rounded diet, but a lot more carbs & sodium (processed foods) than you should (at least for lean abs) ;). Also alcohol plays a big part in slowing down metabolism. Like I said before, my abs are not always "ripped".... I diet really hard for 6 weeks before a competition.... Staying below 1500 cal, usually around 1200. No salt, sugar, dairy or any canned or prepackaged foods & only water or coffee. I know you are on a specific training schedule but you really need to add in some high intensity interval training to get more muscle fibers kicked in & more fat burning. You are doing great so don't let it discourage u that u don't have a "six pack" ;) it really is hard for females to get one & to maintain it. Just try & limit processed, high sodium foods. Drinks lots of water! And add some interval training into your training!

  7. Hey since you are journaling again, I will too to help us both stay on target!! :)

  8. Oh my, I def. couldn't do what Tammy does! wow....
    Glad you will start posting again. it helps me and gives me ideas.

  9. Yea she is crazy committed...I would like to do her 6-day, but only like 3 days of it...I may do it the week before Jeff's wedding just to see if it makes me any leaner...
