Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/11~126.4 lbs/

.8 lbs down each day..... what is frustrating is that I am just now where I was consistantly at a few weeks ago!  now I have to get down a few more lbs.....

Breakfast: 3301 cup cornflakes (100)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (100)
1/2 cup applesauce (50)

Lunch: 2601 can tuna (120)
1 cup steamed green beans (60)
1 string cheese (80)
OK, I blew it!!  we went to mom's and she made morgan an ice cream cone and he didn't eat it all so I finished it.  Then she made french bread so I had to have a piece of that.....


  1. Way to go!!! Keep it up...really now you can just concentrate on portion control!!! :)

    haha re french bread - i ate pretty good today but am having chicken enchiladas for dinner - a frozen meal I had already fixed a few weeks ago!! yummmmmm

  2. Wait, why is mom making french bread?!?! Isn't she on the jumpstart too?!?!?!?
