Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/24~130.8 lbs/1635 cal*

it's amazing how eating right and exercising works! haha.....down 2 lbs in 2 days.  I'd like to be down to 125 (consistently) by the middle of september.

Breakfast: 355
1 cup coffee w/ creamer (25)
1 cup cornflakes (100)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (100)
1/2 cup applesauce (50)

Lunch: 330 Asian Salad again!
2 cup romaine lettuce (15)
1/4 cup chow mein noodles (65)
1/2 can chicken (60)
1/3 cup mandarin oranges (40)
2 tbsp asian dressing (50)
2 tbsp almonds (100)

Snack: 220
1 oat and chocolate fiber bar (140)
1 cup milk (80)
1 vanilla pudding cup (120)

Dinner: 410
1/2 cup hunts spagheti sauce (50)
2 oz ground sausage (180)
1 cup wheat penne pasta (180)

Late night Snack! (200)
almond bar (160)
1/2 cup milk (40)

40 min Jillian Frontside DVD