Monday, April 2, 2012

4/2/12~138.0 lbs/1055 cal

So, two years ago, next week, I started the FBD.  I lost 20 in 3 months and gained it all back over the past year.  Disgusting.  I have a high school reunion and college reunion in June so I would like to see 123 by June 9.  That is my new goal.  15 pounds in 9 weeks.  I can do that, right?

Breakfast: 370
1 cup cornflakes (100)
1 cup skim milk (80)
1/2 cup applesauce (90)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (100)

Lunch: 205
1/2 can salmon (60)
1 tbsp miracle whip (40)
1/2 tsp relish (2)
1 slice lettuce (3)
2 slices wheat bread (100)

Snack: 160
2 Cheese sticks (160)

Dinner: 320
3 oz grilled steak (120)
1 cup roasted red potatoes w/ olive oil (175)
2/3 cup broc/cali mix (25)


  1. Yep you can do it!!!! Let's get moving!!! I was 127.4 yesterday but forgot to weigh in this morning. It will probably be huge because of the Italian meal I had last night. BUT I did manage to only eat half of it and brought the other half for my lunch today! :-)

  2. Go, Julie, go! I was doing pretty well on my own goal but grew stagnant in the last few weeks. I'm going to try to jumpstart my progress with an 'only fruits and vegetables' fast Tuesday-Friday of this week. We'll see how that goes!

  3. awww, thanks girls! Good luck, Marti. I need to go grocery shopping. I do not have enough fresh food in my house!
