Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/11/11~134.8 lbs/ 1025 cal

Jumpstart Day 1-again!

Breakfast: 330
1 cup cornflakes (100)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (100)
1/2 cup applesauce (50)

Lunch: 210
1 cup carrots (60)
4 oz turkey slics (100)
1 cheese stick (50)

Snack: 240
1/2 cup pineapple (60)
1 cup milk (80)
2 tbsp almonds (100)

Dinner: 265
1/2 cup brown rice (75)
3 oz chicken (100)
1 tsp olive oil (30)
1 cup carrots (60)

Snack: 220
I was starving!!
1 fiber one choc chip bar (140)
1 cup milk (80)
I ran for about 10 minutes while the kids and mom were at the park.  just enough to make me feel like i did something!

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